Shamanic Meditations  

By Don Thomas Lake, Shaman & Founder


God is the Earth, the Earth is Sacred, the Earth is my Body,
My Body is Sacred.

God is the Water, the Water is Sacred, the Water is my Blood,
My Blood is Sacred.

God is the Air, the Air is Sacred, the Air is my Breath,
My Breath is Sacred.

God is the Fire, the Fire is Sacred, the Fire is my Spirit,
My Spirit is Sacred.

I am Sacred, You are Sacred, We are Sacred.


Today I choose to unconditionally love and accept myself. I engage in activities that honor the divinity that I am.

Today I plant thoughts in the rich garden of my soul. I water my thoughts with love and acceptance, trusting in the law of pure potentially.

Today I turn my attention inward to the light of pure being. I see myself in my spiritual oneness with Great Spirit in the art of giving and receiving.

Today I allow my faith in Great Spirit to deepen. I see the miracle of all that is. I will slow down enough so that I will not take even the smallest gifts of life for granted.

Today I open my body, mind and spirit to the revealing presence of Great Spirit. I trust that Great Spirit assists me in seeing unconditional love and acceptance in all that is.

Today I choose to stay open to Great Spirit. I know that I have within me the power to fill my world with divine love and acceptance.

Today I look at my own life to discover the blessings before me. I see beyond the illusion that I want more than I need. Instead I look at my life to see all that Great Spirit has already given to me.

Today I aim at putting into practice what I already know will serve my life. I will celebrate my unconditional love and acceptance of everyone as Great Spirit unconditionally loves and accepts me.

Today in my love of Great Spirit I realize my life is blessed. I give thanks for all that I have and choose to share it with all whom I meet on my path.

Today I set my attitude to be at peace with all circumstances, even those  beyond my control. I claim my love and acceptance of myself and do not let situations in my life control me.

Today I choose to be in the moment filled with love and acceptance.



What is unconditional love and acceptance?
Loving and accepting unconditionally means this can be shared with no conditions.  It is taking a risk to be open and vulnerable with another without pre-set limits.  It is based on the belief that we are all divine and sacred.  It does not mean we have to accept all behaviors or be a doormat.  We can practice unconditional love and and accept with others simply for the fact that they are rather than what they do.  This is also true of self as we can not truly unconditionally love and acceptance others without doing so with ourselves. 

When you are the recipient of unconditional love and acceptance from others, you feel free to be yourself.  You know your worth. You feel wanted and desired for you as you are rather than for what you do. You know you are worthwhile and valuable. You feel warmth, cared for, and nurtured. You are OK just the way you are.  That there is no need to wear a mask or to act in any way just to please another.  You feel free to be yourself and express your feelings with no fear of rejection or disapproval.  You In unconditional love and acceptance, you risk  being vulnerable with others You feel no fear of retribution or reprisal from others if you should make a mistake, experience a failure, disagree, etc.

Without unconditional love and acceptance
When people are not given unconditional love and acceptance, they feel constrained to act in ways which are inconsistent with their beliefs and feelings.  They lack the freedom to be themselves.  They live their lives trying to please others rather than listening to their own truth. They do not believe they have the freedom to experience the natural consequences of their own actions and decisions. They can become dependent on others to make them feel good about themselves. They also can become very rule bound and perfectionist in seeking to do what is "right'' or "expected'' of them in order to be accepted or loved.  They are more likely to experience low self-esteem and feel unworthy.  They feel misunderstood, not approved of, and defensive.  They often have poor relationship skills and experience failed relationships.  They tend to work harder at meeting conditions and expectations set for them by others than working at becoming self-directed, self-sufficient, and self-reliant.  They can become withdrawn and isolated in order to avoid experiencing future rejection and disapproval.  They confuse the need to follow rules and obey directions as the only way to be accepted and loved by others, believing they can never fail or make a mistake because they would never be worthy of love or acceptance from others.  They do not learn how to accept and love themselves unconditionally and therefore are very self-critical, self-disapproving and self-punitive.  They tend to set unrealistic, unachievable, and overly idealistic expectations of themselves which must first be met in order to accept and love themselves.  They can become their own worst critic. Unconditional love and acceptance is the starting point of healing this.  


As I walk my path today, I will take time to breathe in life, allowing the fullness of Great Spirit to flow through me in such a way that I am flowing with love unconditional and acceptance.

As I walk my path today I will unleash my passion in my body, mind and spirit so that my life can be a blessing to all I  meet along the way as I fulfill my destiny in a loving and accepting way.

As I walk my path today, I remain ever grateful for the people who have blessed my life and  whose unconditional love and acceptance I have been healed. 

As I walk my path today, I fill my body, mind and spirit with many prayers of deep gratitude for all the blessings I experience.

As I walk my path today, I serve all that I am called to with unconditional love and acceptance and presence.  

As I walk my path today I am an example of the way and allow the true rhythm of my body, mind and spirit to be fully expressed. 

As I walk my path today, I do so with a sense of exploration and wonder allowing unconditional love and acceptance to be revealed in all that is.

As I walk my path today, I am a peaceful warrior.

As I walk my path today, I allow myself to feel joy all the way.


Sacred Reciprocity:  Today for You; Tomorrow for Me;

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