Don Thomas Lake, Founder
Don Thomas Lake is an anointed Shaman and Founder of International School of Shamanism. He has been blessed with a rich and varied background in guiding people on their spiritual path for fpit decades.
Don Thomas is a passionate teacher of teachers with a gift for helping people step into their power through the path of Unconditional Love and Acceptance. This concept is the foundation of the School's intention. He has taught Shamanic workshops globally and trained and anointed several Shamans and Shaman Apprentices in the mission of the International School which has a presence in the US, Canada, Israel, and Mexico.
Doña Lisa Lake, Director/Shaman USA 
Doña Lisa Lake leads a team of Shaman and Shaman Apprentices in the US, Canada, Mexico and Israel. She offers private shamanic intuitive counseling sessions, energy work, and therapeutic massage. She leads shamanic workshops, shamanic circles, sweat lodges and other ceremonies.
Doña Lisa has a 20 year background as a certified Neuromuscular Massage Therapist and Certified Karuna® Reiki Master. She also has a background in human resources, business management and health and wellness coaching.
Angela Prince, Shaman USA
Angela Prince has been with the International School of Shamanism since 1990. She is an anointed Shaman and is also a practicing R.N. offering her shamanic gifts in service. She practiced as a labor and delivery registered nurse for over 25 years and now offers her Shamanic gifts in helping people with hospice nursing care sharing her wisdom in helping people in their passage from this life.
Angela has taught Shamanic Workshops internationally, mentored students in the School as well as Shaman Apprentices in the School and led various shamanic activities. She now makes her home in the North Carolina mountains where she enjoys homesteading and living off the land in nature.
Hector Ortega, Shaman Mexico

Hector Ortega is an anointed Shaman with the International School of Shamanism. Hector's training as a Shamanic Mesa Carrier followed by his experience as a Shaman Apprentice led to his role of leadership with the International School Shamanism in Mexico then to anointing as a Shaman.
Hector's gift of deep connection with Ancestral energy and his ability to connect with people on a heart level are all instrumental in his role of working with people as a Spiritual Guide helping them find their unique expression of Spirit.
Hector combines his Shamanic mission with his talents as a Director of Cinematography and has demonstrated his gift of creativity in many films. "De la Calle" tells the story of Mexico City's homeless street children and "La Ruta de le Trata" brings awareness of human trafficking throughout Mexico.
Hector leads shamanic workshops, shamanic circles and sweat lodge ceremonies. Hector offers private shamanic sessions in Mexico City.
Tammy Crook-Grundy, Shaman Canada
Tammy Crook-Grundy is an anointed Shaman with the International School of Shamanism in Ontario, Canada. She has been practicing expressive arts therapy since 1996, with art being her life-long passion in her own journey and healing.
After practicing Shamanism since 2001 and then serving as a Shaman Apprentice and Spiritual Healer Teacher and Counselor for several years, Tammy was anointed as a Shaman by Don Thomas, Founder of International School of Shamanism.
Tammy's passions lie in creativity and nature while serving people in her role as a Shaman, a peaceful warrior, tree hugger and nature lover. Tammy teaches Shamanic workshops, leads Healing Circles, Meditation Circles and offers private shamanic sessions in Port Hope Canada near Ontario.