Monthly Healing Circle: First Saturday Monthly 10 AM EST
Monthly Meditation Circle: New Moon/Full Moon 7 PM EST
Monthly Women's Circle Second Thursday Monthly 7PM EST
For details/registration:
Shamanic Workshops
- Shamanic Mesa Carrier Program
- Medicine Wheel Workshop
- Shadow Healing Workshop
- Heart Consciousness
- Shamanic Healing
- Spirituality and Sexuality
- Women of Power/Men of Power
- Couples' Workshops
- Girlhood to Womanhood
- Boyhood to Manhood
- Past Life Regression
Shamanic Consultations:
- Private Sessions
- Couples’ Sessions
- Personal Intensive Sessions
- Shamanic Energy Work
- Therapeutic Neuromuscular Massage
Rituals & Ceremonies:
- Marriage/Commitment Ceremonies
- Shamanic Journeys
- Sweat Lodges
- Land Blessings
- Energetic Cleansings
- Vision Quests
- Equinox & Solstice Ceremonies

Shamanic Healing Circle
Monthly First Saturday 10 AM - Noon
Healing Circle occurs the first Saturday monthly. This is an open community event where we support each other on our spiritual path. Shamanism is not a religion; it is a spiritual practice and a way of living regardless of your background. There are no prerequisites for participating - come as you are! We meet the first Saturday monthly from 10 AM - 12 PM EST.
The intention of Healing Circle is for the highest good of all participants. Unconditional Love and Acceptance is our core teaching and the foundation of all offerings at International School of Shamanism. At Healing Circle, we use ancient, time-tested healing ceremonies and techniques to access and energize healing forces. The space created is sacred, respectful, open and encouraging.
We open with ceremony designed to help you relax and center. After a brief introduction, the Shamans offer an exercise or teachings centered around healing.
Healing Circle is offered by donation. For more details and for meeting access: or .
Medicine Wheel Journey:
Four Seasons of Transformational Healing Online Class
This deep, integrative journey explores shamanic tools and lessons of the four cardinal directions, the four seasons, the four elements and the infinite wisdom of nature as symbolized in the medicine wheel. This progressive journey creates a map into yourself for discovery, healing and transformation as you cultivate these concepts into a practical application for your daily life. Unconditional love and acceptance are core to these teachings. This is an interactive live workshop offered via zoom monthly. Online forum is supported between classes.
Even though you can learn from just one segment, the full medicine wheel journey is a twelve-month process of cultivation. This is best experienced by living the medicine wheel mindfully and incorporating what you learn. True integration comes with practice.
Monthly: $20 Quarterly: $60 Annually: $240
Doña Lisa Lake teaches this shamanic workshops and offers private sessions for shamanic intuitive counseling, energy work, and bodywork. She leads sweat lodges and other shamanic ceremonies. She draws from 14 years’ experience as a Shaman and 16 years’ experience in her healing practice as a nationally certified neuromuscular massage therapist and 17 years’ experience as a certified Karuna® reiki master. Doña Lisa has learned from many different people while working in the US, Mexico, Israel, Nicaragua and the US Virgin Islands.
Doña Lisa’s own shadow work guides her in helping others realize their own strengths and find their gift and medicine within no matter how deeply it may be hidden in their shadow.
Certified Shamanic Mesa Carrier Program
- Healing Old Wounds
- Clearing Self Defeating Habits
- Writing a New and Healthy Script for Your Life
- Transforming and Discovering Your Gifts
- Owning You, Being and Expressing You
What is a Mesa Carrier?
A Mesa Carrier is a shamanic practitioner who walks in authenticity, knows their true nature and lives the embodiment of their infinite self by healing through the powerful medicine of unconditional love and acceptance, self responsibility, discipline and balance. Our Shamanic Mesa Carrier Program explores traditional Shamanic techniques including energy medicine, ceremonial and experiential practices essential to clearing and maintaining a healthy body, mind and spirit. As you are guided in shedding what no longer serves you, a strong foundation is built allowing your authentic self to shine. The core of this program is learning how to unconditionally love and accept - beginning with yourself!
The Mesa Carrier finds his or her own vision by looking within. In its beginning stages and simplest form, you will be taught how to construct a Mesa which is simply a personal altar consisting of a cloth for the foundation symbolizing you; a stone, a shell, a feather, and a candle which represent the elements of earth, water, air and fire and the four directions surrounding a personal centerpiece for your heart.
You will learn how to build upon these foundations in a symbolic and meaningful way with practical applications to enhance your daily life. Your Mesa begins to take on deeper meaning as you awaken and grow spiritually serving as a portal to connect with yourself deeply, heal, grow and live your purpose as you transform and reclaim your authentic self. The Mesa is simply a mirror reflection of yourself and your personal work, so it is constantly growing and changing as you do.
This in-depth heart-centered series offers practical skills to:
- Release old patterns, behaviors and beliefs you've outgrown
- Embrace your authentic self and own your power in a balance
- Walk the path of unconditional love and acceptance
- Learn and practice in a safe sacred space with others
Shamanic Consultations:
Shamanism can help you realize your Spiritual Potential |
Individual/Couples Sessions:
The process we use is a bridge between psychology and spirituality. We are devoted to assisting people in integrating body, mind, and spirit, becoming truly alive, conscious, and responsible, functioning with creative grace, and developing the capacity to love, accept and heal. With over 40 years of experience and training in a variety of healing modalities, Shamanism, one-on-one counseling, subtle energy work, philosophy, and theology, among others, the Shamans will guide you inside to own your truth and shed what no longer serves you or your relationship so you both grow.
With decades of working with people on their spiritual path, the Shamans of International School of Shamanism guide you through obstacles preventing you from fully opening to your heart's truth and your spirit's longing. You are taught how about owning and expressing your truth by exploring self-created illusions and false conclusions. Most importantly, you are shown the healing medicine of practicing unconditional love and acceptance first with yourself.
Sessions are $120 USD per hour.
To schedule your session:
Personal Intensive Session:
In a Personal Intensive Session, we take ample time to focus on you and your process without feeling rushed. These sessions are designed to be a minimum of two 45 minute segments and can be up to a week if desired. Your personal intensive is personalized for you and your goals. It will include energy work and optional bodywork to assist you in your evolution toward your healing and opening more deeply to your heart's truth and your spirit's longings. Together, we create a plan that best suits your needs and goals.
During your personal intensive, you are guided in working on all three levels of human existence, Body, Mind and Spirit:
You are guided in opening your heart and speaking your truth; expressing your painful emotions and the lessons of your shadow side; exploring your images and false conclusions, and most importantly guiding you to the healing path of loving and accepting yourself just as you are in this moment as you walk your path.
Intensives are particularly geared for people who need and desire more time than a single session.
People decide to have a Personal Intensive Session for a variety of reasons. For example, when you:
- are dealing with a life crisis such as divorce or illness;
- cannot feel unconditional love and acceptance;
- have hit a wall in therapy and need a new approach;
- want to go deeper into your spiritual process than one session;
- are battling your negative self;
- live at a distance where it is difficult to travel to weekly sessions;
- are in a spiritual crisis;
- do not have an appropriate Shaman nearby to guide you;
Therapeutic Massage and Energy Work:
Doña Lisa Lake, anointed Shaman and Director of International School of Shamanism, offers shamanic energy healing and body work based on intuitive energy healing techniques she has practiced for two decades. Her intention is helping you relax, rejuvenate, release and receive energy and remember what you soul already knows. Using shamanic healing techniques and drawing from her background as a Nationally Certified Neuromuscular Massage Therapist and a Karuna© Reiki Master, Doña Lisa offers her shamanic gift of moving energy for helping you release blockages so you can connect with your own wisdom. Sound therapy such as drumming, rattling, tuning forks and other tools such as crystals and aromatherapy may be included. Together, we craft your session based on your intention while focusing on what is for your highest good in body, mind and spirit. Contact us to discuss your private shamanic session:
Sacred Reciprocity: Today for You; Tomorrow for Me;